Agency Journey

Is it ever possible to track 40 hours of work in a given week?

If not, what should the benchmark be?

What is time tracking for, anyway?

And how to talk about it with your team members in a way that makes them motivated, and gives you good insights?

In this episode of Agency Journey, Gray and Kuba discuss the challenges and best practices of time tracking in agencies. They explore how to communicate its purpose, implement effective processes, and use the data to drive business decisions.

Episode Insights:
💡 The real purpose of time tracking is to shape business decisions and help managers guide team members' focus
💡 Clear communication about why you're tracking time is crucial for team buy-in
💡 Using tools like RescueTime can provide more accurate data on how time is actually spent
💡 Weekly reviews of time tracking data can help coach team members to be more efficient
💡 Time tracking data should inform decisions on pricing, packaging, staffing, and process optimization
💡 Reframe time tracking as managing "units of energy" or impact rather than just hours
💡 It's important to share back with the team how time tracking data is being used to improve the business

Resources Mentioned:
🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn:
🌐 ZenPilot Profitability and Utilization Reporting:
⚒️ ClickUp:
⚒️ RescueTime
⚒️ Harvest
⚒️ Everhour
⚒️ Toggl


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What is Agency Journey?

How do world-class agencies continue to grow profitably and hit their goals, even through the choppy waters and challenges of agency life?

How do leaders like Tiffany Sauder, Marcus Sheridan, Jay Acunzo, Shama Hyder, David C. Baker, Nikole Rose, and Zeb Evans think?

Join Agency Journey host Jakub Grajcar as he interviews agency operators and leaders to share insights, actionable tips, and hilarious stories from the builders who live in the agency trenches.

Each episode focuses on crucial aspects of growing an agency like building the right team, delegation, project management, client success and retention, and operating frameworks like EOS.

Brought to you by ZenPilot: we help lead your agency through the final project management implementation you’ll ever need. Book a call to learn more at

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