Good News for Today

Today marks the second anniversary of the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe vs. Wade. The decision paves the way for the abortion debate to move from Washington to state capitols across the US.
The last two years have been filled with ballot initiatives, executive orders and legislations across the US that has varied greatly.
The decision has created what is known as “abortion tourism” as people travel from their home state…where abortion is illegal or restricted…to a nearby state where they can gain access.
Numerous cases related to abortion are being considered by state Supreme Courts.
Still, though, there is abortion-related debate in Congress.
ERLC President Brent Leatherwood said, ““After the Dobbs decision, states are again empowered to shape abortion policy, but that doesn’t prevent Congress from making consequential decisions in this area. Senator Lankford and others clearly understand this with the courageous leadership they’ve shown this week by bringing forth several crucial pro-life bills, including the Conscience Protection Act and the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act.”
Weather watchers continue to keep an eye on the Atlantic as a storm is strengthening in the warm waters off the coast. Mexico is still facing the consequences of a strong storm that came ashore last week. 
Storm predictors continue to say this could be one of the most active storm seasons in recent history.
A Lifeway Research study finds 3 in 10 U.S. Protestant churchgoers (31 percent) have seen at least one type of congregational connection with those local centers since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
16% say their church has supported a local pregnancy resource center financially. 
14% of pastors encouraged those in the congregation to support a center financially (14 percent) or encouraged the congregation to refer those with unplanned pregnancies to the center (14 percent). 
11% say their church has encouraged the congregation to volunteer at a local pregnancy resource center.

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