Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms

How do we find the strength to keep going, day after day, and not give in to despair or fatigue?

Show Notes

We all feel exhausted, but with the right perspective and attitude we can keep up the good work God has called us to because we have our trust and hope in him and not in our own accomplishments. 

The end of the day is when we ought to be tired because we've been pursuing the good works God has set before us. When we're tired at the end of a long day at home, you know what we need? We need to go to bed. Astonishing, I know. Yet it seems to be common advice rarely taken - like so much good advice offered.

It's not wrong or bad or weak to need rest. It's silly to forego it for mere distraction. 

Let's get into the habit of putting ourselves to bed at a reasonable hour.

What is Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms?

Short but meaty pep talks for busy Christian moms who want to manage their homes & lives for the glory of God – and enjoy it, too! Organize your attitude, get stuff done, and glorify God as a homemaker.