4D Recruitment Method

Positioning helps others to understand your offering and how you can add value to their business. 

Many of the prospects (and clients) you encounter will have an assumption as to how you work and what you do based upon interactions working with your competitors. That gives them fluency with your competitors, not you. 

Recruitment agencies still compete with each other on how quickly they can find people or how many CVs they can find because “they’re a specialist”. 

That’s not the driver for change in this market. 

Join me in this episode as I share ideas to help you position your recruitment business as suitably different. To win higher quality projects and work.


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What is 4D Recruitment Method?

The podcast for recruitment business owners, consultants and managers. Hosted by Jeremy Snell, this pod takes a fresh look at recruitment and how to achieve consistent success. Each short, punchy episode gives you an idea to play with or, a different perspective on a common challenge.
Making recruitment fun again.