The Product Launch Podcast

In this captivating episode, the podcast delves into the world of AI tools with Chris Carr, the President and CEO of Farotech. An expert in the field, Chris discusses the transformative potential of AI across diverse industries. Explore the game-changing capabilities of LLMs and innovative plugins that are reshaping the AI landscape. The episode unveils the exciting possibilities AI brings to marketing strategies, enabling hyper-personalization, and driving business growth. Join us for a fascinating exploration of the AI industry's future.

Chris Carr is the President and CEO of Farotech, Philadelphia's fastest-growing marketing agency. With over two decades of experience in web development and inbound marketing, Chris has revolutionized lead generation and conversion for clients through innovative SEO and online marketing strategies. His exceptional expertise has reduced client costs by 80% and propelled clients to outrank competitors by 90%, with remarkable growth in keywords on Google. Holding an Applied Generative AI Certification from MIT Professional Education, Chris is a pioneer in harnessing AI for marketing success. Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Product Launch Podcast:

  • The use of tools like TalkBerry to improve efficiency and quality of written content.
  • The emergence of chat interfaces and their seamless integration with AI tools.
  • Embrace AI as a valuable component in software development.
  • Seek vendors and software programs that integrate AI technologies for optimal results.
  • Explore the potential of hyper-personalization in marketing through generative art.
  • Cold outreach and generic messages are becoming less effective, emphasizing the need for personalized communication.
  • Businesses are advised to be prepared for the impact of AI by utilizing resources like the AI today resource.


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  • 04:21 - “One of the things that we're always trying to fight against is hallucinations. So, what Claude allows you to do is it allows you to upload a file almost as many as 75,000 words. That's essentially like a Harry Potter book, you know what I mean? What I usually do to try to eliminate hallucinations is I'll say, I'll upload one document that has all of my buyer personas, all of my bestselling blogs, my case studies, certain reports, just everything that I can think of about my brand, my clients, my services, every single piece of information that I can into this super document.”
  • 12:14 - “What I recommend that you do is use a program like Advanced Data Analytics that's built into ChatGPT. A lot of this functionality is going to be built into Microsoft 365 and with duet it's just not there yet. But essentially what they allow you to do is they allow you to upload large data files. And when you upload large data files, it basically dissects the data and you can ask it questions in natural language processing so you can start to talk to your data specifically.”
  • 15:08 - “So what I believe is going to happen with companies is you're going to look at all of your software programs and you're going to look at what's the most value I can get out of the APIs that each of these software programs. And then from there what I'm looking to do is develop what's called like a centralized AI co-pilot. And the AI co-pilot is going to get information to and from these software programs. And what you can do at the high level is that you have complete transparency about the health of your business. And you can start to look at your inventory system and start to say, well if we're low in this inventory, what would happen if we increased our prices by maybe $5 per unit?”
  • 22:15 - “It's sort of like a world of hyper-personalization that's what I believe is coming down the line. So, what you need to know there is you need to know what are the tools and the technologies that I can do, that are going to know the demographics and the information about my potential client. So if I'm going to get the right message to the right client at the right time, now I'm doing it in the most hyper-personalized way. So if I'm using old techniques that don’t know my client inside and out, when this wave of AI hits, you might not be ready for it.”
  • 25:47 - “We have always, as a marketing company said “Hey Mr. And Mrs. Client, we do some really amazing cool stuff. And they're like “oh, that's cool, let's do it”. And then I look at their current model and I'm like, actually you're not even doing foundational things. From a marketing perspective, you're not on the first page of Google, you have no social presence, your blogs aren't effective and you are not even making data-driven decisions. Alright? But here the thing is that if AI allows us to do those foundational things a whole lot stronger and quicker, now I have the ability to do those superpower things that we never got around to doing. And so what I believe is going to happen in the future is that we will all be top-graded.”
  • 10:16 - “And like changing the way people were searching too, it almost feels like the way that we used to use Google or some still do, we still use it to an extent, but it feels like archaic. It feels like you're banging sticks and stones together. When you're actually using something like these chat interfaces with these AI tools, it makes what you're doing more conversational and then you can continue the thread.”

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What is The Product Launch Podcast?

Sean Boyce from NxtStep shares the latest B2B SaaS strategies to help you succeed. The show covers everything from identifying problems worth solving to scaling B2B SaaS businesses. Sean will walk you through what he is building in real-time and share those results with you so you can learn from his successes (and failures) and apply what works to your B2B SaaS to generate real results.