The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed

In the journey from Parsha Terumah to Pekudei, we are guided through the meticulous construction of the Mishkan— a sacred space that bridged the heavenly and earthly realms. While we long for the day the Mishkan will be physically reconstructed, our current diaspora challenges us to internalize this sanctuary, crafting a dwelling for the Divine within each of us. In this episode, we are joined by Rabbi Daniel Cotlar to share the Hasidic teachings that illuminate the path to embodying the essence of the Mishkan's components within ourselves. 
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What is The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed?

A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories and interviews with leading Torah Scholars to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.