The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast

Alex Lowe talks to Barbara about his many comedy characters, including Clinton Baptiste, Barry from Watford and the greatest character of all: Alex Lowe

Show Notes

To start this week's podcast, Barbara has to admonish producer Paul for losing her end of the interview with Alex Lowe, but lets see if anyone notices the difference first shall we?

When they finally get to the reconstructed interview with Alex, they talk money for doing nothing, dogs and how people want to socialise with you on a walk and the joy of the secrets shared backstage at a gig.

Follow Alex' comedy character Clinton Baptiste's twitter account here and he'll keep you abreast of the tour dates if they ever get around to happening:

This podcast is the first in a short series supporting the Birmingham Comedy festival From 2nd-11th October 2020
Have a look at their website here to see the other events during Festival week:

And follow their twitter here:

I don't know if anyone reads this far....

Keep your ratings and reviews coming in, if you think the podcast worthy of them!
We need all the help we can get to get more lug'oles on this podcast to spread a bit of lock down cheer to as many people as possible!

Follow Barbara Nice and Friends podcast on Twitter at:

And keep up with Barbara's extra content on her Facebook and Twitter pages:

Mrs Barbara Nice and Friends is a Brum Radio Production.

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What is The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast?

Mrs Barbara Nice is finally persuaded to sit down for half an hour or so and share what's she's been getting up to that week.
Spend time in Barbara's world and meet some of her friends too as they discuss topics close to her heart.