Unrefined Podcast .com

In this podcast episode, Brandon explores the parable of the sower, emphasizing the importance of preparing our hearts like soil for spiritual growth. He draws parallels between soul care and gardening, advocating for practices like fasting and prayer to nurture the word's growth within us. Brandon also speaks on the power of words, urging listeners to sow blessings through positive communication. Sharing personal stories, he stresses patience and the cultivation of small habits for gradual transformation, both spiritually and in our interactions with others.

Cultivating the Soil (00:00:11) Brandon introduces the concept of sowing and reaping, drawing inspiration from walking in cornfields in winter.
Parable of the Sower (00:01:19) Brandon reads and analyzes the parable of the sower from Mark chapter four, emphasizing the significance of understanding the parable.
Interpreting the Parable (00:03:21) Brandon delves into a deeper interpretation of the parable, discussing the impact of the word on different types of soil in our hearts.
Gardening the Soul (00:05:32) Brandon introduces the concept of "gardening the soul," emphasizing the need to cultivate different areas of our hearts for spiritual growth.
Disciplines and Soil Preparation (00:06:44) Brandon discusses the importance of spiritual disciplines, such as fasting and prayer, in preparing the soil of our hearts for the word.
Intentional Living (00:11:55) Brandon emphasizes the need for intentional and patient cultivation of the soul, advocating for small, intentional habits for spiritual growth.
The Power of Words (00:13:43) Brandon emphasizes the impact of words, highlighting the principle of sowing and reaping in all areas of life, not just finances.
Positive Sowing (00:15:26) Brandon discusses the importance of sowing positive words and actions in the lives of others, highlighting the principle of reaping what is sown.
Cultivating the Soil of Our Hearts (00:18:08) Brandon discusses the significance of cultivating the soil of our hearts and the impact of our words on sowing and reaping.
Planting Seeds of Promises (00:18:56) Encouragement to plant seeds of promises in life, with faith and patience, and the personal journey of changing mindset.
Being Perfect and Whole (00:19:53) Exploring the concept of being perfect as being whole in ourselves and in our souls.

What is Unrefined Podcast .com?

What’s beyond the veil? The nature of this world we live in is unrefined.

Yes, we live in this multifaceted world of the SEEN and the UNSEEN.
In each episode we go beyond the veil in our own personal unrefined way.

Our podcast recipe includes: the supernatural, the strange and unexplained from a biblical perspective, PLUS deep dives into the Word AND a wee bit of the conspiratorial for good measure.