The Junkyard Love Podcast

The Great and Wonderful Abrielle Dunn stops by the virtual Junkyard Love Podcast to discuss personal development, mind changes, mental, emotional and physical well-being, social media and the changing Self, working with creatives to portray a vision, believing in one another, making life better for those around you with self development and the Art of Connection in a confusing world. Abrielle runs an LLC called Ellevate Media where she works with motivators, creatives, inspirers and people she can believe in. She does creative digital media, graphic design, production, video editing, marketing, and project management - in college she studied video game coding, illustration, level design, ui design - and currently a blue belt - she practices the physical defense tactics of Krav Maga. Abrielle cares about health on a holistic level and in this episode she offers tons of great advice, perspective and personal experience for those searching for a change in perception. We introspectively run through the changing tides of our identities through the years of being social mediaytes, we speak on human connection, learning how you learn, and surfing the waves of cognitive dissonance via advanced tech. Abrielle and I discuss our physical and mental workout wins and we touch on water intake, fitness, dieting, supplements, journaling, gratitude practices, projection, fear, judgement, work ethic, legacy, emotional intelligence and the search for greatness. Abrielle Dunn brings dem good vibes and this chat packs our bags full of great snacks for the inward journey of self discovery. If you liked this episode or you dig the podcast, consider sharing, subscribing, leaving a quick rating, or checking out some past episodes with other great guests. For more Abrielle checkout her instagram @abriellehayley and motivated inspirational creatives - shoot her an email

Some notable quotes from AD

“When you understand yourself, you can understand other people”
"Is this person actually upset with me or am I projecting my feeling onto them?"
"Theres a difference between functional analysis and dwelling."
"When you have the perspective you're able to recognize all those little blessings"
"I should only be comparing myself to myself, who I was yesterday, or who I was when I wasn't doing as well."
"I don't wanna work with someone I don't beleive in."
"How do I want people to feel? Inspired."
"You can wake up everyday and do it differently."
"I'm a huge propornant of failing forward"

What is The Junkyard Love Podcast?

This is a creative/philosophical/personal-growth podcast that shares discussions with unorthodox teachers and interesting humans. Through honest conversation with the host, Jacob, we mine the hearts and minds of one another to discover interest, connection, theory, stories, joy, creativity, knowledge, and wisdom. Jacob navigates the human condition through a growing lens of mindfulness, curiosity, and thoughtfulness.

Here you'll find playful, inquisitive, and friendly dialogues with the likes of psychologists, musicians, teachers, yoga instructors, philosophers, DJs, health educators, entrepreneurs, astrologists, holistic healers, meditators, life coaches, athletes, hairdressers, authors, speakers, comedians, leaders, advocates, changemakers, seemingly regular people bursting with wisdom, artists, mathematicians, and much more.