RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

For young children that grew up in a demanding household, it might have been especially difficult for them to ask for help. It might be because they felt embarrassed that they needed it. They had fears their parents would judge them for something they ‘should already know’ and so much more. This fear ends up translating into adulthood where adults end up fearing the same projections. They don’t want to look stupid in front of their peers or bosses so they rather stay silent than speak up.    Genuinely, so many people are afraid to just ask. They’ve been taught since their youth that it wasn't safe to ask. Those who need help the most are often the ones who are too ashamed to say they need extra support.    However, it’s important to de-stigmatize this. No one will judge you for asking or clarifying. No one will judge you for seeking out extra help to deal with your internal state of mind. Even the best athletes in the world have a strong and helpful support system to get the feedback they need to perform at their best level. You are no different!    Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes

For young children that grew up in a demanding household, it might have been especially difficult for them to ask for help. It might be because they felt embarrassed that they needed it. They had fears their parents would judge them for something they ‘should already know’ and so much more. This fear ends up translating into adulthood where adults end up fearing the same projections. They don’t want to look stupid in front of their peers or bosses so they rather stay silent than speak up. 


Genuinely, so many people are afraid to just ask. They’ve been taught since their youth that it wasn't safe to ask. Those who need help the most are often the ones who are too ashamed to say they need extra support. 


However, it’s important to de-stigmatize this. No one will judge you for asking or clarifying. No one will judge you for seeking out extra help to deal with your internal state of mind. Even the best athletes in the world have a strong and helpful support system to get the feedback they need to perform at their best level. You are no different! 


Continue Your Growth Journey:



What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly