Quitting Weed

Day 141 - This pod is here to provide support

Show Notes

- I received some kind words on a Twitter DM from a listener. They said that this pod acts as support. I never thought about it in that way. I was grateful to receive that message
- I do like the idea that this pod is like a support system. To let you know that quitting weed isn’t easy, and it’s possible. And that life after quitting weed can be quite good
- I know I’ve said this before, but the feedback I get from this pod really makes me feel good. And that I will continue to do this pod for a long while. And this pod will continue to be free
- I truly believe my calling in life is to help others who want to quit weed in an inspirational way, not a nagging way

What is Quitting Weed?

Sharing my journey and tips to quitting weed.