eFFray Studios: Your one stop shop for all types of PODCASTS!

Wannabe Supervisor vs. Work Snitch: Both negative, but a work snitch might create more distrust and disruption than an overeager wannabe supervisor.
Do Black Women Serve Their Men Food Anymore?: Exploring changing dynamics in relationships; whether traditional practices of serving food are maintained in contemporary Black households.
What Type of Socks Do You Wear?: Choices range from athletic, casual, to formal based on material, comfort, activity, and personal style preferences.
How Many Times You Shower a Day?: Personal hygiene routines vary; some shower multiple times for refreshment or cleanliness, others might shower less frequently.
How Do You Get the Attention of a Waiter or Waitress?: To attract a server's attention, use polite gestures like a hand wave, eye contact, or a subtle verbal cue.
Are You Supposed to Wait to Eat Your Food if on a Date?: Common etiquette suggests waiting until both diners have received their meals before starting to eat on a date.

"Join two charismatic black men, in their 40’s, as they dive into lively discussions on current events, relationships, and the global issues that shape our world. This engaging podcast offers insightful perspectives, humor, and relatable stories, creating a dynamic blend of entertainment and enlightenment."

What is eFFray Studios: Your one stop shop for all types of PODCASTS!?

"Welcome to eFFray Studios, your ultimate destination for podcasting excellence! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, we've got you covered. Our studio offers top-notch equipment, expert production assistance, and creative support to bring your podcast ideas to life. Join us and make your podcast dreams a reality!" Enjoy some of the shows hosted by eFFray!!