Totality Living Well

In this episode, Scott and Michelle discuss reasons why people lose motivation and how they can reclaim it for their health goals.

Show Notes

Some reasons include poor planning, lack of accountability and not having proper resources.
It is good to get professional advice instead of the advice from a friend if that friend does not have the experience and what you are seeking to do. Professionals and expert resources can help you move forward with staying on course with your goals.

Scott and Michelle recognize the 5 stages of readiness before working with any client and sometimes a person is not in the right stage of readiness to make a true commitment for lasting change.

These include:

  • Pre contemplation
  • Contemplation
  • Preparation
  • Action
  • Maintenance

Things to remember:

  1. Little steps add up.
  2. Procrastinating is a snag.
  3. You’ve got to know yourself.

Personal motivation methods can include:

  1. Achievement of tasks.
  2. Self-talk.
  3. Fresh air, sunlight.
  4. Movement.

It is important to have a vision that is uniquely yours. Whether that is an aesthetic vision or something else. Utilize your senses to take you in the direction that you need for motivation. That can be in the form of music, aromatherapy, baths/showers/listening to motivational speakers and reading. Accountability groups can be helpful and do not forget the health trifecta of sleep, hydration and good food. It does not sound exciting, but it is vital.

Scott and Michelle also share valuable insights from the things they have learned as professional healthy living consultants with some take away points to help anyone jump back into their health game.

You can follow them on social media to inquire about coaching plans available at

What is Totality Living Well?

The Totality Level Well Podcast probes into the nitty-gritty aspects of health - the good, the offbeat, and even the controversial things that aren’t always discussed. Whether you’ve had a long-standing curiosity or simply want to know more about a topic, Scott & Michelle Williams are here to explore the solutions and answers to empower you in body, mindset, and spirit.