
What does it take to write four bestselling books in just as many years while juggling the demands of running a successful business and raising young twins?

In this episode of Bookbound, we dive into the incredibly inspiring journey of Bola Sokubi, a finance expert, keynote speaker, and the founder of Clever Girl Finance.

Bola shares her tips for authors on aligning goals with personal happiness, the nuances between writing and business, and the strategic moves she made to seal her first book deal—all without an agent! You’ll also learn how she masterfully markets her work, viewing each book as an "amplifier" of her brand.

Whether you're an aspiring author or a seasoned professional, this episode is a goldmine of practical advice and motivation. Tune in to explore how passion, resilience, and clever strategies can help transform your writing dreams into thriving realities.

To connect with, follow Bola, or read her books, go to
Apply for Fran & Bethany’s BOOKBOUND Accelerator here.

Produced by Share Your Genius

What is Bookbound?

What’s the story you can’t stop telling? Fran and Bethany are here to help you write, sell, and launch it.

Critically acclaimed authors and bestselling book coaches Fran Hauser and Bethany Saltman are your hosts of Bookbound, the podcast for aspiring nonfiction authors who want to learn how to transform their ideas, expertise, and obsessions into successful books and publishing deals. Fran and Bethany interview accomplished authors who share the strategies and surprises behind their bookbound journeys. These behind-the-scenes conversations will inspire you to claim your own “author-ity” mindset and turn the story you can’t stop telling into a book the world needs to read.

To connect with the hosts and more, go to