
This was a talk given by Bodo in Australia in 2010 about the importance of service and how that interrelates with our karma.

Show Notes

Audio Content   |  Approx time start 
Obeisance to the Guru, Thanking Hierarchy and how they work with the group  | 0.00 
How respect and gratitude helps on your path  | 3.40 
Your Duty is to keep connected with Hierarchy – connecting to ‘reality’  | 6.50 
We are all ‘actors’ on this planet in physical manifestation  | 10.00
Our ‘role’ on this planet is to cleanse our Karma and develop wisdom and intelligence  | 11.20 
Our soul and cosmic evolution of Monads – getting the ‘bigger picture’  | 12.45 
The concept of love or devotion in group monadic evolution and Karma  | 15.30 
Your Karma is emotional, mental, mental emotional, physical  | 18.20 
What is time? Evolution takes much time! The relativity of Time without the form.  | 20.45
The concept of time, cycles and ripening of Karma  | 24.35
Hierarchy’s way of ‘offloading your karmic baggage’ – we are lords of sacrifice  | 28.05
The recipe for a human unit and it’s evolution  | 29.35 
Why would a monad want to be a Lord of Sacrifice?  | 32.00
Are you ready to let your bubbles burst? Looking past the materialism  | 37.00
Q. Is it possible for someone else to cleanse your sins and save you? (Vicarious atonement)  | 43.30 
Q. Does one type of good karma wipe out another type of bad Karma?  | 47.50 
Q. Is it necessary for us to cause suffering to others for us to then experience negative karma?  | 53.00 
Q. is it possible for a soul to take on too much karma in one incarnation?  | 54.07 
Q. Is pain and suffering the only path to light?  | 58.50 
Q. What is the relationship between cleansing our karma and zapping?  | 1.00.30 
Each individual must suffer their own karma – how group zapping can help  | 1.19.15
There are two types of zapping  | 1.21.56
Q. To help someone by zapping their attack – do you need to have been involved in that type of black magic to have an effect on it?  | .23.06  | 1.26.00
We have been generating our Karma for a long time!!  | 1.26.00  | 1.28
Q. How do you differentiate the Karma of the Leader from the followers? Group vs Individual, National, International and even cosmic Karma  | 1.28.15
A question about cause and effect  | 1.36.18 
Q. Does emotional Karma have to play out on the physical plane only or can it be astral?  | 1.41.52 
Q. If I killed 50 people, does that mean I have to be killed 50 times?  | 1.47.43
Q. Is it possible to be incarnate more than once simultaneously? What is a tulku?  | 1.56.33 
Q. How can you have an equitable society as long as we are all cleansing our Karma?  | 1.57.00 
The main purpose of Karma is to lessen your attachment to the physical  | 2.00.50
Q. Who decides when and how the Karma is played out?  | 2.02.10 
A question on Karmic Cleansing Practices of the East – what are their effects and roots?  | 2.06.10 
Q. What is a Puja?  | 2.10.10
War Karma situations  | 2.13.15 
Q. How do we teach others about Karma?  | 2.17.15 
Karma and the personality will, Ghenghis Khan  | 2.19.14 
The Buddha and his teachings of Karma, why it’s important to know about Karma  | 2.21.26
What happens when you abuse a portion of your body – Devas, disease and karma  | 2.28.00  

What is Karma?

A selection of talks designed to give greater understanding of the concept of Karma, and what that means in our daily practices and life.