Bullies, Wimps & Poverty Pimps

In this episode, Dr. Kish Cumi Price discusses strategies for dealing with workplace bullying, particularly when the bully is a supervisor. She emphasizes the importance of speaking up early, documenting incidents, and taking care of oneself. Dr. Kish also advises building alliances with colleagues and considering formal action if necessary. She provides tips for addressing bullying behavior without stooping to the bully's level and suggests being mentally prepared and proactive in anticipating and responding to bullying. The episode concludes with a reminder that no job is worth sacrificing one's mental and physical health over.

What is Bullies, Wimps & Poverty Pimps?

This podcast series gets at the ugly truth of why marginalized populations stay on the margins. Dr. Kish begins this needed discussion sharing her personal journey of over 20 years going upstream to find solutions to people-centered issues within severely broken systems including education, health care, justice, labor and housing. She charges each person to be brave while challenging bullies, wimps and poverty pimps who are uniquely positioned to stunt progress.