Woodside Bible Church Lapeer

Woodside Bible Church Lapeer Trailer Bonus Episode 102 Season 1

Divided: Seeking Unity in a Fractured World – Part 4: The Message of Fools– Woodside Bible Church


In part 4 of our series, Divided: Seeking Unity in a Fractured World, we're looking to 1 Corinthians 1 to explore the Apostle Paul's teaching on where to find true wisdom. In a world filled with influencers preaching their own path to happiness and success, we invite you to tune into our next message of the series, The Message of Fools, as we're challenged with the question, "Where am I finding wisdom?"

Show Notes

In today's day and age people can portray themselves to the world however they choose on social media, while the reality might be a completely different life than what people see. Influencers entice us to follow them on the basis that if we do what they do, we can achieve the appealing life we see on screen. Before we know it, we are following everything they do, and seeking their guidance for answers to our lives. In his letter to the church of Corinth, the Apostle Paul speaks to this kind of "wisdom" the world offers, exposing what seems wise to the world as foolishness. Join us as we continue our series, Divided: Seeking Unity in a Fractured World, by discovering the true wisdom and power of the Gospel. Listen to our next message of the series, The Message of Fools, as we're challenged with the question, "Where am I finding wisdom?"  

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