Smart Humans with Slava Rubin

Ben Reinberg is the Founder & Chief Executive officer of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, LLC, which specializes in medical office investing. He is a prominent figure in commercial real estate acquisition and investment and a widely recognized expert in the development and structuring of commercial real estate transactions. Ben brings immense value to the dealing process in his ability to build trust quickly, raise equity efficiently, solve problems, and bridge the gap between buyers and sellers.

What is Smart Humans with Slava Rubin?

Smart Humans explores the world of alternative investments. From Venture to Collectibles, NFTs to Real Estate, Art to Debt and beyond - we discuss a new world of investment opportunities and the catalysts that impact their demand. Join our host Slava Rubin as he talks with entrepreneurs, investors and thought leaders across the diverse ecosystem.
Any data, text, or other content on this page is provided as general market information and not as investment advice. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital.