Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif

In this episode, Shaykh Dr. Ahsan Hanif discusses how Allah عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ instructed Muhammad ﷺ to challenge the Children of Israel regarding the lawfulness of food, urging them to present the Torah if it is truthful. He emphasizes following the monotheistic faith of Ibrahim.

The significance of the Ka'bah in Makkah and the obligation of Hajj are highlighted. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ questions the people of the Scripture about their rejection of Allah's signs and warns believers against blindly following them. Holding fast to Allah عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ and Islam leads to true guidance.

What is Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif?

Have you always had a deep desire to understand the true meaning of the glorious Qur'an? Now you have the opportunity to do exactly this and understand the Qur’an page by page.