the WoW - the World of Work!

In this episode I share my thoughts on my first real music video production experience: what I discovered, what I struggled with and what I loved!

The making of the "1929 - A Woman With A Soul" Video was truly revealing for it gave me a sneak peek into a World of Work I had never experienced before. The amount of work, the attention to detail, the constant eye on the budget and the ability to give clear instructions and directions to the cast and the team are traits you need to have to be in this profession. For sure there are many more but these ones struck me as being particularly important!

At the end of the day, whatever area you choose to pursue in your world of work, there are no short cuts. You cannot cheat your way to success and to accomplishment. Sometimes you may get lucky but you cannot count on luck alone. So choose wisely and enjoy making mistakes as you learn!

A big thank you goes to all the amazing people who took part of the project!
Aurelie Sprenger
Patricia Fuster
Camille Seillaz
Emma Barbagallo
Karen Cody
Laurene Knowles
Christele Gobet
Amy Carroll

Watch the Video version

What is the WoW - the World of Work!?

We have entered a new era that is transforming all aspects of our lives and work is no exception! It is in these moments of great transformation that we must think differently when we talk about work and move away from the notion that work equals job, equals employment.
It is more than that! It defines who we are, what we do, how much money we make, how we live, who we know, how we feel, what we learn, even where we live, the people we hang around with. It can bring status, fulfilment, achievement as well as frustration, burn-out, disenchantment. When we stop seeing work as simply employment and look at it as a world of opportunities where we can put our talents to work in areas we are passionate about, the perspective changes!
This is what this podcast is all about. Exploring the world of work from different perspectives with guest speakers who share their stories, and views on how their world of work has changed and what we can expect to see in the future. It is bringing to the table different disciplines and professions with the mission to bring the concept of work closer to people and people closer to work with a WOW!
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