The Medicine Man Podcast

In this episode, Lewis Powell interviews Nina Izel, a psychedelic integration specialist. They discuss various topics related to shamanism, breathwork, psychedelics, initiations, and the pitfalls in the psychedelic community. Nina shares her experiences and insights on these subjects and explains the importance of commitment to healing and structured inner work. She also talks about her courses and training therapists for psychedelic integration.

  • Shamanic path and breathwork can be transformative and lead to personal growth.
  • Holotropic breathwork, popularized by Stanislav Grof, is a powerful technique for spiritual emergence.
  • Psychedelics can be traumatising for some individuals, and their use should be approached with caution.
  • Initiations and rites of passage are important for personal development and growth.
  • Honesty, commitment, and clarity are essential for successful healing and integration work.
  • The psychedelic community needs better regulation to prevent abuses of power.
  • Structured approaches to inner work, such as integration courses, can support individuals in their healing journeys.
  • Processing events before they happen can help individuals overcome patterns and create positive change in their lives.

What is The Medicine Man Podcast?

The Medicine Man Podcast,’ your portal to a world of spiritual insight, personal growth, healthy living, mysticism, and holistic well-being. Join me, your guide, as we navigate the realms of plant medicines, shamanism, and the transformative journey of spiritual growth. Along the way, we’ll be joined by special guests, experts, and visionaries, sharing their wisdom to enrich your understanding. Get ready to explore the extraordinary on ‘The Medicine Man Podcast,’ where each episode is a unique voyage into the magic of existence.”