Tewahido Bible Study

Tewahido Bible Study Trailer Bonus Episode 98 Season 1

Dcn. aleme'silasé

Dcn. aleme'silaséDcn. aleme'silasé

Deacon Alem serves the EOTC in the Washington D.C. Metro area through the liturgy and the ministry of the word. His day job is in aerospace engineering, but on the side he studies scripture, and completed his M.A. in Theological Studies from Agora University. Transforming his thesis into a book for popular consumption, here is a slightly condensed conversation we had about, The Letter That Kills: Variant Readings of Genesis 37:3 in the Andmta Corpus. It is a review of the current English literature available regarding the Aksumite School of Biblical Exegesis, and his own insights to what we can glean from this tradition of studying scripture.
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What is Tewahido Bible Study?

A critical examination of the sacred scriptures, as they are read-aloud by a dedicated student of Aksum, Alexandria, and Antioch—and member of the Ephesus School Network.