Antipessimists (Public Episodes)

Nathaniel was the head of people at Hillary for America. He built a small people ops team that supported one of the largest hiring efforts in the last decade. I'm hard-pressed to think of any team that hired more people and achieved better outcomes in a shorter period of time with fewer resources. Pound for pound, it may be the most impressive People Ops function built in the last two decades, yet they still lost the election. Regardless of your politics, this is a fascinating story to reflect on.

What is Antipessimists (Public Episodes)?

Antipessmists is a peer-reviewed podcast. Every episode is first distributed to vetted listeners for review of the content. Episodes are only published publicly if both the guest and peer-reviewers agree that it covers the topic well and matches our community values.

We value being vulnerable, earnest, and hopeful for the future. This feed is our public episodes. To apply as a peer reviewer, go to, learn about what we stand for, and then get in touch.