Jack is an ongoing furry webcomic, first published in March 2001, by David Hopkins. Using an ensemble cast of furry angels, demons, souls trapped in purgatory and those living on Earth, it explores the author's Christian faith, his problems with women, theological dilemmas and his disgust at the state of the world. If that's not enough, it's also extremely violent, and manages to fit in almost every brand of NSFW you could desire (or not).
Masticate Bandcamp: https://masticate.bandcamp.com/
Masticate Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7IGCjYU2yCFoY339yLQiwL?si=qitRqkh0TJOHrdmLBEmTqw
Where to read Jack: https://jackrabbit.thecomicseries.com/archive/
Jack (the host, not the furry depiction of wrath) has published a novel!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671
Jack's website: www.jackbc.me
Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com
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