Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about WISDOM.

Show Notes

Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about WISDOM.

When I was young, I used to think that I have to be clever so that I can get better results in my studies and I could have a better life in the future. 

As time passes by,  when I look at people around me, or read from the news, there are many clever people whom I think that they are smart but they ended up doing the wrong things that they were not supposed to do and I often think that about why this happened to them, what was lacking in them and why some of us although clever aren’t able to be a better human?

In the beginning of my working life, I often hear my seniors tell me that in life, we have to have wisdom, I used to wonder what is this wisdom that they talked about and how can I obtain it. Of course I didn’t find the formula , because we gain wisdom through our life experiences. 

I learnt about  Di Zi Gui class (ie, standards for being a good Pupil and Child)  when my son was in primary school.

This book is about the teachings of Confucius, Confucius was a great Chinese scholar, teacher and educator. He believed in moral principles, virtues, and discipline should be the very first lessons to be taught to a child. There was a speaker in the school who introduced it to the parents who attended the talk with apply to our modern society scenario for this disciplinary wisdom book.

After attending the class,  I discovered that the DI Zi Gui is great for adult like us too, so I went to the library to borrow the book to read again and at the same time I found one scripture book beside it. This book has an interesting cover with 2 phrases that indicate my inner world desire and it attracts my curiosity and the Book is titled Tao Te Ching by LaoZi. This book consists of 81 chapters, it shows how Lao Zi,  the Chinese master, looks at the world and life from his philosophy point of view.

In it, there is a specific chapter I would like to share with you and it translates as below:
Chapter 8- Be Kind like water, Water is good to everything but does not do comparison. It always stays in a low-lying land where everyone does not want to go. This kind of character is like Good people who are always humble. They are good at keeping quiet. They are good at helping others, sincere and friendly, they are good at keeping promises, they are good at governance, they are good at using their strengths, and they are good at grabbing the opportunities. It is precisely because of the indisputable virtues that there will be no negligence and blame.

The rest of the 80 chapters are also very powerful and enlightening, it really just like a wisdom teacher that directs you without criticism. I feel released when I read these chapters as at that time I have so many unknown blocks in my work, family, and personal life that I was unable to figure out.

I started to work hard at the area in family and workplace, I put my curiosity into the issues that I faced, I proceed to learn the hobby I like and happy, I come out of my comfort zone.

I changed from waiting and expecting someone to fulfill me to my action and to enjoy the process. Put down other people's judgment and comments, if the comment is positive and helps you to improve yourself then take it if not just leave it.

Go back to the basics and enjoy the hard work journey, there is no correct or wrong as that is your own script, if you are not satisfied with the current script or situation, just change or turn yourself beautifully because you are your own script director.

When we have wisdom inside, we will know what is next for the thing to do as our intuition will lead us too.

We play many roles like being a mother, leader, staff or daughter, etc, don’t get too deep into your role-play and as others also choose their own role to experience, everything back to love, enlarge our conscious border to see things more wisdom.

Time is not the reason to limit yourself, only the past experiences that judge your brain limit yourself to come out of the comfort zone, your wisdom can drive you to what status that you want.


This is really a great book and for me, I will keep reading this book again and again. With each reading, it might give me some insights. The book covers every aspect of life just like a wise man that keeps reminding you and guides you but is not tired of listening to you.

Wisdom accumulates from time and it is your state, while being clever is a survival ability, to have our wisdom is very important, the person with wisdom has the tolerances to uncertainty and able to handle the most difficult situation and there is an intuition that emerges from within.

If you want to talk about transforming your inner child, healing your relationships with yourself and money, connect with me through my Facebook and the link is in the show notes.

I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you about MINDFULNESS.


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…women are gathering to inspire each other to step fully into their greatness.

A place where all the facades are dropped, and instead the real, raw truth is shared.

Imagine a safe place created just for you.

A place where you can dive deep into all of the fears that have been holding you captive.

A sacred place that allows you to hold space and support for each other as you dive deep into a life-changing transformation.

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…for women to speak-up and share their truth and wisdom through the power of their stories.
This is why we are coming together to share the CONFIDENCE that gives women a stage to be real, raw and vulnerable as they share their stories so that TOGETHER we can lead with courage and Rise Up!