meeting your soul

Understanding the Five Stages of Dharma is one of the first things to do to help you understand where your client is at so you can best support them on their unique stage of their dharmic journey.

Here are the 5 stages:
  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Self-Improvement
  3. Spiritual Awakening
  4. Dharma Development
  5. Dharma Embodiment
Three Paths to Dharma

The next set of tools to understand are the Three Paths to Dharma because there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This allows you to open up your eyes to see the possibilities for living your dharma, and help your client open up theirs.

Ask yourself: “If you were to do a huge project, how would you do it?”
  1. Quit everything and dive right in.
  2. Take small steps forward until it's finished.
  3. Wait for inspiration to strike and see where it takes you.
The next set of tools is the Four Types of Dharma. These tools will better understand dharma and that helping others find their path can come in many shapes and sizes. Most often, it may in fact be a combination of multiple types:
  1. Natural born gift - whether you are using it in your daily life or not. Even when you have a gift, you have to work on developing it, and then share it with others.
  2. Breakdown & Breakthrough - When you discover your Dharma after a difficult time in your life.
  3. Overcoming obstacles - when you overcame a big challenge, and are now helping others overcome it.
  4. Helping others overcome obstacles - Someone else had an obstacle that you feel called to help overcome. Like for example one of your parents was sick and had to deal with a lot of pain, now you help others deal with pain.
Reflection Time! Let me know what comes up for you and share it with me @ferrahchino or visit my website, 

What is meeting your soul?

This podcast was designed to empower others to dive into their self-discovery journey by sharing my struggles and triumphs as I have perused a deeper connection to my own heart. I’ll share tips and tools for embodying love, authenticity and soulful confidence. My goal to create a community that openly discusses wellness in a holistic sense. Let’s work together to find harmony within our mind, body and spirit through ancient texts, somatic practices and positive psychology techniques.

I’m so happy you’re here – I love you already!

I would love to hear about your story, feel free to reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.