Beer Edge

We talk with Peter Bissell of Bissell Brothers about how COVID-19 has impacted his brewery and lobster restaurant in Portland, Maine.

Show Notes

On this episode of the Beer Edge podcast, we speak with Bissell Brothers co-founder Peter Bissell about how COVID-19 has impacted the brewery and his lobster restaurant in Portland, Maine. Pete admits to being blind-sided by the pandemic news, as someone who does not closely follow the news. When the government forced his restaurant to close and limited public access to his brewery’s popular tap room, the company immediately pivoted to facilitating a contactless home delivery model that covers most of New England’s largest state. While his restaurant, Highroller, remains shuttered, Bissell Brothers remains active. Working at about 80 percent capacity, the brewery is cranking out old favorites, including new batches of Swish, and Pete hasn’t laid off a single worker.

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A weekly dive into the business and culture of beer. Hosted by Andy Crouch and John Holl, The Beer Edge podcast provides listeners with unparalleled insights into the beer industry. Our mission is to provide consumers and industry players alike with a fresh and unfiltered look at the world of better, flavorful beer. We seek to capture the essence and passion of brewers, both big and small, foreign and domestic, each of whom has a distinctive and colorful story to go along with the beautiful beers they produce.