You Don't Sound Autistic (YDSA)

What was your light bulb moment when you realized you might be Autistic? Did you stumble across the connections or did someone help illuminate the idea? We high-level review our understanding and awarenesses of autism spectrum disorder over time and discuss the perspective changes and research advancements that continue to help adults find their own missing life puzzle piece.  Adults receiving a diagnosis as an adult face challenges that often receive little to no support and remain largely unrecognized even today. Statistically adults with autism report feeling traumatized before and during the process of discovering their diagnosis. We're raising awareness for the hidden influences of low self-esteem resulting from not having these life answers sooner. With greater awareness comes more evolved and heartfelt solutions. Join us.

Follow Blake's journey on TikTok at @blakefertig

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You Don't Sound Autistic (YDSA)

What is You Don't Sound Autistic (YDSA)?

Welcome to our mental health awareness podcast. If you're one of the millions of teens, adults and (entire) families being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD (hyperactive)/ADD (inattentive), Anxiety, Depression or other Neurodiverse conditions without a meaningful support group or a roadmap, jump right in with us.

Our raw and unfiltered journey will help you. We'll break it down and talk about it in a real, raw and sometimes tragic perspective. We lived it. And thanks to a few key people, we're still alive today to talk about it. So let's talk about.