Crosswinds Weekly Messages

Crosswinds Weekly Messages Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

The Fall & Our Broken Bodies

The Fall & Our Broken BodiesThe Fall & Our Broken Bodies

Body & Spirit Part 2: A message on the consequences of sin on our bodies and all creation, such as sickness, pain, death, and the deep groaning for redemption and navigating suffering and brokenness in light of God's redemptive plan for both body and soul. [Craig Cooper]

What is Crosswinds Weekly Messages?

Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey – whether you’re just beginning to ask questions about God, or you’re a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper – we look forward growing alongside you. We are committed to providing relevant, biblical teaching, heartfelt worship and prayer, honest and meaningful friendships, care for the hurting and joyful service to God. Through all these things, it is our deepest desire that every person will have an opportunity to meet God personally, to know Him and experience lasting life change, and to worship Him fully.