Green Talks

In this episode, we are glad to present Florence Metz. She has a background in political science and public policy. Florence conducts her research in various policy domains and teaches about public policies for sustainability transitions here at UT. During this episode, she will explain how policies are implemented to understand why sometimes they may fail or be contradictory, but mostly how we can create an impact on this project. Later in the interview, she also explains her research on the Positive SDG interaction, explaining which SDG we should target to have optimal results. If you want to know more about how governmental policies can help us tackle sustainability listen to this episode!

Creators & Guests

Clizia Mochi
Community Officer at GreenHub Twente
Fran Karlović
Research & Education officer at GreenHub Twente

What is Green Talks?

We kick off one of the dearest projects, Green Talks, a podcast series aimed to give researchers of the University of Twente a voice. We have been working hard on bringing together more students and researchers working towards sustainable development.
Enjoy, inspire, and get inspired!