Smash The Bottom Line

Neal Parker’s dad didn’t buy him a car at age 16… and that set him on a lifelong journey of entrepreneurship. Along the way, he’s learned many lessons in business and life that he shares today that can impact your financial success… while making sure you don’t lose yourself in the process. He admits that there is a luck factor in success. But in order to take advantage of that lucky opportunity, says Neal, you need to have skills and knowledge to take advantage of it fully.

Show Notes

Neal Parker’s dad didn’t buy him a car at age 16… and that set him on a lifelong journey of entrepreneurship. Along the way, he’s learned many lessons in business and life that he shares today that can impact your financial success… while making sure you don’t lose yourself in the process.

He admits that there is a luck factor in success. But in order to take advantage of that lucky opportunity, says Neal, you need to have skills and knowledge to take advantage of it fully.

He shares what you can do to prepare for your “lucky break,” as well as…

  • Why you can never catch happiness when you chase it
  • What should be your true driving force (it’s not money)
  • How your network can help you succeed but also keep you balanced
  • The real meaning of sacrifice
  • And more

What is Smash The Bottom Line?

Smash The Bottom Line with Maddie Brown, interviews successful solo and small business leaders to uncover the keys to their success. Tune in for strategies to make your small business more profitable, from CPA and consultant Maddie Brown.