The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods

I wondered what NotebookLM could do, so I created a couple notebooks. One has the title “Global Soil Survey,” and in that notebook I uploaded articles and documents I’ve written about MLSN and the GSS. I let the model generate a few different audio summaries of this project. And I uploaded the text to A Short Grammar of Greenkeeping, and I let the model produce an audio summary of that book.

Creators & Guests

Micah Woods
I'm chief scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center and director of the @paceturf information service. Some current projects include #OM246, #ClipVol, and #MLSN.

What is The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods?

I discuss ATC blog posts, with supplementary information, stories, and the reasons why I thought the topic was worth writing about, and worth reading about. Thus, a doublecut of these topics. This covers grass selection, playability, and all the work done to create a certain type of turfgrass surface.