Your Fellow Human

What does it mean to be responsible?

Today I want to introduce you to Francesca a friend I have had the honor of learning from and laughing with in now two beautiful countries

I met Francesca a couple years ago on a dive shoot, and from the moment I met her she was a woman I appreciated, someone who made space to celebrate others, has a joy for life, and one that isn’t afraid to be herself.

It really is an honor to share people I get to meet around the world with you, and even more so when someone I know more deeply allows me to pass a bit of their light on to you.

Francesca and I talk about the reality of life real problems, how her study abroad experience in high school actually went terribly wrong, and the joy she feels when seeing others appreciate the natural beauty in this world.

She shares the changes life has brought her through, from growing up in Italy, to moving to Mexico, meeting her husband there and how that is also home now.

We chat about the differences in men and women, how Italians may be a bit loud but how that comes from a place of passion first, and how as much as her dad may want her to “settle down” her lifestyle may actually be his own doing.

Francesca is one of the most spontaneous, genuine, impulsive in the best way, joyous, and sweetest humans you can know.

She is someone that has made me a more confident person both in how I show up with others, and how I appreciate my own insecurities, she is someone I get to laugh with, and now someone I get to share with you

So tune in today and meet Francesca, my passionate, Italian, free diving friend.

And to you Francesca thank you, thank you for accepting me from day one, for being you and reminding me to be me, for never making me feel like I didn’t belong, and for welcoming me always into space and time to laugh and explore this world with you. Love you so much  @____francesca

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.