Ask Rezzz

The easiest way to get a testimonial is to do great work.

When you do great work and deliver, or over deliver, simply asking for a testimonial should be pretty easy to get.

But you have to ask.

Show Notes

When you ask for a testimonial you should do so not with the intention of having it up on your website, it should be with a focus around improving your business and the experience you customers have with you.

Even though a testimonial is about your business, it’s really about your client and how you helped them.

There will be emotional responses as well as facts too. Specifically, if you’ve reached very specific and measurable goals.

By “emotional” I mean that you will hear what the client felt about their experiences with you. Not necessarily that there will be tears or utter jubilation.

If so, get that celebration on video!

The easiest way to get testimonials is to just keep an eye out for them throughout the course of the project.

Watch out for those wins and thoughts of gratitude from your clients. Especially if you’ve reached a certain milestone.

Similarly, watch out for the voice of opportunities that tell you what you can be doing better.

These usually come by way of emails and you can pull them out as quick quotes that you can use in your marketing.

Those are the quickest ways.

But I also share with you my 2-step process for getting video client testimonials and the 7 must ask questions for you to ask your clients to get a great testimonials.

For full show notes, downloads, and bonus material, head on over here for it all. 

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