Ask Rezzz

Technical skills are great, but anyone can learn to code or design. It’s the human skills that makes you valuable. It’s the personal skills that increases your clients’ lifetime value because they keep coming back. It’s the human skills that we often forget about in business, but it’s what really makes a business successful.

Here are 3 skills for you to learn to increase your value as a freelancer.

Show Notes

The number one thing would be to learn the language of your clients.

If you can understand what they mean when they are saying certain things to you, then can echo back to them, you instantly create that connection with them and build trust.

Number 2 is don’t wait for them to ask for an update.

Be out in front of them. You know you are doing the work, they know you are doing the work. But they don’t know where you are in the process. So shoot them off a simple email, maybe once or twice a week to let them know what’s going on.

Number 3, make memorable moments. Celebrate the wins.

Both you and your client work hard. Way too much we wallow in the bad things that happen and often don’t celebrate the wins that happen over the course of a project.

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