Marvel Movie Minute

Minute One Hundred Twenty Five: From Pushing the Button to Tony’s Info About the Nuke Coming In
In the one-hundred-twenth-fifth minute of The Avengers...
The nuke is off and away! We’ve got a two minute and thirty second clock that starts ticking right here. Will it play out in real time as it does in movie time? We’ll find out two-and-a-half minutes from now! 

We come into the fight in slow motion on Thor and Cap as they each retrieve their tools, then ramp up as they battle the Chitauri. It’s an odd moment but does work okay. And they play it well sharing their pain and their ribs. Literally.

Erik and Natasha work on destroying the Tesseract energy with the sceptre but how did she get it from Tony’s patio? Is there a ladder we don’t see? We still have issues with Erik’s secret back door to destroy the Tesseract, but it is what it is. It puts the next steps of the plan into action though as Tony changes Cap’s plans to shut the portal because he realizes there’s more to do. Tune in!

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What is Marvel Movie Minute?

Andy Nelson and Pete Wright reach the first team-up movie in the MCU: Marvel's The Avengers, and they're taking it apart one blue-beamed minute at a time.