Voices In Recovery Podcast

This episode is a special episode in which Darcy and I show our support of freeing Palestine! Stopping the continued genocide of Indigenous people across planet Earth including Palestinians. Stopping the stack against Taylor and Adora because its an obvious smear campaign attack on both of these powerful humans... Who's next on the watch list? You, me, maybe all of us if we get out of line....and a couple of other pertinent ideas along the way. In hopes of a future where all children are considered equal and there are no more excuses for murdering them anywhere on this green rock.

What is Voices In Recovery Podcast?

Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.