Off Stage with Greg and RD

In this week's episode, RD and Greg set a framework for a Biblically-based view of politics by showing how important it is to create well-informed, Gospel-centered opinions and be submissive to the governing authority, while still realizing that God is our ultimate master.

Show Notes

Division in politics isn't a new phenomenon; it's been around since the beginning of politics. However, with the rise of social media affecting politics, the division has been ramped up immensely. One reason we have so much division, Greg thinks, is because so much of the way we vote as a country is fueled on fear and cynicism, instead of forming an opinion based on Scripture and listening to the Holy Spirit.
With that in mind, Greg and RD spend this podcast discussing how we as Christians have to find ways to be engaged in politics without forgetting that we are not created to serve the president, we are created to serve God and His ways.
Early on, RD and Greg show how many people in the Bible either had positions of political power (like Joseph and Daniel) or wrote about politics (like Paul and Peter). It's important to note this, Greg reminds listeners, because the Bible shows us that God has given us a government, and we should be praying, caring, and engaging in it.
As Believers, we have to engage in politics in a way that is Gospel formed, Greg asserts; it's important to be informed and know your opinion on things. Greg goes on to disclose that you have to be able to talk about hot-topic things in love and with respect, with Scripture in the forefront of your mind, because we will only evoke change when we can actually talk about things with each other and share our opinions. RD jumps in to share that we can disagree with each other, but we have to love each other first and foremost.
In talking about sharing your political views and voting based on your beliefs, both RD and Greg are quick to convey that there's a difference between thoughtfully disengaging and abstaining from voting because you're can't, in good conscience, vote for any candidate, and not engaging because you're apathetic or lazy. Jesus calls us to love and serve everyone, RD repeats, including widows, orphans, and the poor, and you have to engage in politics in order to help these people. If you're apathetic, you can't bring about change for anyone.
RD goes on to share that he doesn't think a Christian should fit neatly into any political category. It's not good to pick a side just to pick a side, RD expresses, it's better to think through all topics with Scripture in mind and come to an informed, Biblical decision, even if that means you're split between parties.
Greg and RD close their discussion by affirming that at the foot of the cross, we are all the same.

What is Off Stage with Greg and RD?

Through breaking down Biblical texts, discussing prevalent news and relevant topics, and bringing both humor and wisdom to the conversation, Off Stage with Greg and RD showcases how these two pastors have a passion for educating people on theology and how it relates to our current culture.