Voice of FinTech®

Founder of the Swiss FinTech Ladies (SFTL) association, Karen Wendt and board member Carolina Newton, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about how to bring ladies to invest more in FinTechs and be better represented in start-up boards. They also talked about many activities and initiatives of the SFTL to get there.

Show Notes

Founder of the Swiss FinTech Ladies (SFTL) association, Karen Wendt and board member Carolina Newton, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about how to bring ladies to invest more in FinTechs and be better represented in start-up boards. They also talked about many activities and initiatives of the SFTL to get there.

Here are the questions Karen and Caro answered:

What is Voice of FinTech®?

Aiming to inspire entrepreneurs around the world to launch their new ventures. Connect FinTech enthusiasts with start-ups, incubators, accelerators, investors and incumbents.