Besides putting more down to decrease the amount you're borrowing, what else could you do with down payments to improve cash flow and make you a stronger borrower?
Alternate Uses for Down Payments
It might seem obvious that the more money you save up for down payments, the more you can and maybe should put down as a means of improving cash flow.
But that might not always be the most optimal and effective strategy. In fact, there are a variety of other options available as alternatives that might improve how you look as a borrower and that may ultimately impact how well the property cash flows.
This mini-class discusses the alternate uses of down payments you might want to consider that can improve cash flow versus putting more down.
Check out the video and interactive charts from this class here:
Alternate Uses for Down Payments - Video
In this class, James discusses:
Learn all about investing in real estate in Chesapeake, Virginia with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Chesapeake plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Chesapeake).