Cool Girls Look at Explosions

He goes by many names: King of Monsters, Zilla, Thicczilla, Alpha Predator. Kelly and Meag go over a short history of Godzilla before deep diving into the most important part of this movie...Bryan Cranston. They also give some advice for getting out of parking tickets, trade bad sunburn stories, and introduce a new segment to the show that (of course) features Fan Fiction.

Show Notes

He goes by many names: King of Monsters, Zilla, Thicczilla, Alpha Predator. Kelly and Meag go over a short history of Godzilla before deep diving into the most important part of this movie...Bryan Cranston. They also give some advice for getting out of parking tickets, trade bad sunburn stories, and introduce a new segment to the show that (of course) features Fan Fiction.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @explosionspod
Intro music by: Darren Curtis
Cynical Justin's Godzilla History video
Godzilla King of Monsters and Father of Dragons Fanfic

What is Cool Girls Look at Explosions?

A podcast covering all things big, loud, violent, and explosive. Meagan and Kelly are two damsels who are certainly not in distress, but instead on a mission to become action movie aficionados.