In this episode, Joseph Lewin interviews Mark Colgan about his strategies for building relationships with ideal customers through thought leadership and content creation. Mark shares how he leveraged thought leader interviews and curated content to start conversations with prospects who recently raised funding, ultimately leading to new business.  

Mark Colgan has 14 years of experience in B2B sales and marketing. He previously ran an agency focused on securing podcast guest interviews through outbound tactics. Now helps agency owners generate more pipeline and optimize their sales processes as the founder of Agency Sales Design

Key Discussion Points:

- Creating thought leadership content based on target customer pain points, even if not directly related to your product (00:56, 01:26)
- Conducting video interviews with multiple industry experts to create an in-depth blog post/resource (01:46)   
- Using the content to start conversations when prospecting, not to directly sell (03:44, 05:01)
- Providing additional value without expecting anything in return to build goodwill (08:03, 08:16)  
- Practical tips for individual salespeople to replicate a similar approach on their own (10:44)

Key Quotes:

"It's essentially creating thought leadership and then using that thought leadership in your outbound prospecting campaigns to start those conversations and build the relationships with the customer." (00:56)

"I try and deposit as much goodwill in as many banks as I can and just somehow, eventually the universe...it has come back and benefited me in the long run." (08:23)  

"But really, you have to start with understanding what are the problems and pain points that my prospects are facing." (11:34)

Creators & Guests

Joseph Lewin


Outbound is a weekly podcast illuminating the stories of sales professionals that have taken the path less traveled to build strong relationships that have led to soaring new heights and beautiful vistas. These are the stories of building relationships in sales that have led to great business outcomes.