First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Connor Torrealba
August 18, 2024
Together...In Practice
Ephesians 4:17-24 (NIV) 
Big Idea: The Christian’s daily starting point is righteousness 
Where is your starting point? 
Jesus has bridged the gap 
“What is a Christian? …The richest answer I know is that a Christian is one who has God as Father.” – J.I. Packer 

Two perspectives 
  1. A continual cycle 
  2. A moment in time 
As God’s child, you should know: 
  • He is always with you 
  • He always wants to speak to you 
  • He always wants to guide you 
  • He always wants to empower you to do the right thing 
Slide 7: 
Daily Time with God 
Weekly Worship 
Monthly unhurried time 
Consistent community 

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