The RevOps Show

Season 2 is kicking off strong with a focus on dangerous metrics. Many companies are looking to the public companies and SaaS companies to find what they should be tracking, but that shouldn’t be what determines success for your business. In reality there are a few general metrics that you can use to get a good sense of how you’re performing, but the metrics your company finds important all depends on your goals and the job you’re looking your metrics to do.

There is an episode in Season 1 that goes along with this episode. If you haven't already, listen to Episode 26: What (Almost) Everyone is Getting Wrong with Data & Metrics before you listen to this one!

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For updates on new episodes follow us on:
Twitter/X: @dougdavidoff, @JessDCardenas & @demandcreator
LinkedIn: Lift Enablement, Doug Davidoff
You can also watch the video version of the show on our page
Thanks for listening and remember to just say no to shitty RevOps!

Creators & Guests

Doug Davidoff
Doug is the Founder & CEO of Imagine. For more than 20 years, Doug has been advising small and mid-market companies that are committed to serious growth who want to hear the truth about achieving it. Doug’s worked, firsthand, with more than 1,500 companies (and seen their financial statements), so he knows the difference between what works, and what sounds good and doesn’t work.
Jess Cardenas
As Imagine's Chief of Staff, Jess is responsible for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Imagine's sales development programs and aligning these programs with marketing. Jess strives to continually develop and improve processes that enhance growth for her clients' businesses.
Hannah Munoz
Hannah is Imagine’s Community Manager. On the daily she works to expand the Imagine Platform both externally with client acquisition and internally with new hires.

What is The RevOps Show?

What is Revenue Operations? Revenue Operations (or more commonly referred to as RevOps) started off as a hot trend, but now every growth focused company needs RevOps in order to be successful. But what does that entail?

The RevOps Show is here to help you navigate! Go on an adventure every week with Doug and Jess as they work through common questions, scenarios, and issues companies are facing today to find solutions that will make an impact so you aren't solving your upstream problems downstream.