Doctor Who: The Ood Cast

In which Daleks find various things incredibly beautiful, we reference a minor character in a niche sitcom and mercifully no-one attempts a Scottish accent.

Show Notes

"Talk to the plunger coz the eyestalk ain't listening..."

Reviews: Into the Dalek
Air Date: 30th August 2014
Song: A Dalek Called Rusty based on Money for Nothing by Dire Straits
Additional notes: What of the absent Ood Sigma? He was actually in Texas this week and completely forgot to record a review or write any sketches. This is why the discussion is a little more highbrow and intellectual than normal.

What is Doctor Who: The Ood Cast?

The Ood Cast is not your average Doctor Who podcast.

We aim to express the joy, the chaos and the glory of our favourite show through laughter, rhyme and song.