Brandon Stover On Life

Brandon Stover On Life Trailer Bonus Episode 89 Season 1

How to Solve the Education Crisis | Evolve Research Documentary


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Despite the transformation of our world in every context, education has not updated it's models to address the needs our current world. Education has failed to fulfill it's purpose in helping each student thrive individually and helping to better humanity as a collective.

But how do we solve the education crisis? In this episode we uncovered the outdated practices and systems keeping education from fulfilling its purpose and the building blocks that can be used to develop new models of education that will properly prepare students for solving our worlds most pressing problems.


Zoe Weil, Co-founder and President of the Institute for Humane Education, author of The World Becomes What We Teach
Carla Marschall & Elizabeth Crawford, co-authors of Worldwise Learning
Raya Bidshahri, Founder and CEO of the School of Humanity
Victoria Ransom, Founder and CEO of Prisma
Vriti Saraf, Founder and CEO of K20 Educators

Show Notes

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Despite the transformation of our world in every context, education has not updated it's models to address the needs our current world. Education has failed to fulfill it's purpose in helping each student thrive individually and helping to better humanity as a collective. 

But how do we solve the education crisis? In this episode we uncovered the outdated practices and systems keeping education from fulfilling its purpose and the building blocks that can be used to develop new models of education that will properly prepare students for solving our worlds most pressing problems. 



  • The traditional framework of schooling has multiple elements that are contributing to the scope of the problem: curriculum, isolated disciplines, focus on external motivators, division by age groups, and restrictive boundaries of formal institutions.
  • If the education crisis is not addressed, our society faces large consequences such as an $8.5 trillion dollar skills gap by 2030.
  • The education lies at the root of all other systems including but not limited to the economic system, the political system, the energy system, the transportation system, the legal system and the healthcare system
  • If we want to solve the education crisis, we must address other systems outside of education that influence it including all stakeholders, higher education, and money and resource allocation.
  • The building blocks for solutions include: connecting curriculum to real challenges, connecting curriculum to personal interests, developing the entire student, taking an interdisciplinary approach, online-learning, cultivating student relationships, engage learners in application of knowledge, and using competency based assessment.

Full show notes, transcripts, and resources can be found here:


(00:00) - Introduction

(03:16) - What is the purpose of education?

(05:54) - What is the root problem of the education crisis?

(07:58) - How this problem personally effects students

(09:25) - Scope of the problem: What are we learning?

(12:34) - Scope of the problem: Why are we learning this?

(15:27) - Scope of the problem: How are we learning?

(19:10) - Scope of the problem: Where is learning happening?

(19:35)  - What's at stake if we don't solve the education crisis?

(26:07) - What other stakeholders and influences like higher education or resource allocation, should we consider?

(33:54) - How does education regulation present an obstacle to solving this problem?

(40:11) - Summary of the problem

(42:06) - What traditional education does well

(44:06) - Solution 1: Institute for Humane Education and Creating Solutionaries

(54:19) - Solution 2: Worldwise Learning

(1:05:16) - Solution 3: School of Humanity

(1:13:47) - Solution 4: Prisma

(1:20:50) - Other Solutions briefly mentioned

(1:22:42) - Summary of the solutions

(1:25:07) - Closing wisdom from our experts

What is Brandon Stover On Life?

Join Brandon Stover, founder of Plato University, as he questions everything in life to challenge the way you think. Every change in the world starts with one person. Through narrated essays and intellectual interviews, this podcast will equip you with practical philosophies, new perspectives, and modern understandings of global issues so that change can start with you. It will help you to become a more critical thinker, find purpose in your life, and discover why you would want to take action in changing the world.

"They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs