Splice Pink

Jane Mahoney is Head of Reader Revenue at Private Media in Australia, which owns the popular Crikey, Smart Co, and The Mandarin masthead. We've been following Jane over the past couple of weeks as she sets up her reader revenue team at the company. 
In this little episode, she talks about how she onboards a new hire -- it's all about getting the mindset right. Great little bits of knowledge in here.
Hosted and produced by Rishad Patel, co-founder of Splice.

Show Notes

Jane Mahoney is Head of Reader Revenue at Private Media in Australia, which owns the popular Crikey, Smart Co, and The Mandarin masthead. We've been following Jane over the past couple of weeks as she sets up her reader revenue team at the company. 
In this little episode, she talks about how she onboards a new hire -- it's all about getting the mindset right. Great little bits of knowledge in here.
Hosted and produced by Rishad Patel, co-founder of Splice.

What is Splice Pink?

Splice celebrates the transformation of media in Asia. This podcast features conversations with people across the global media ecosystem: media startup founders, tech, data and design folks, investors, journalists, media development funders and donors, product managers, and academics.

Hosted and produced by Rishad Patel and Alan Soon.