Femme On

The first episode for Literature for Life has Jess talking with junior doctor Krista Bose about the play Death and the King’s Horsemen. We talk about death, tradition, the patriarchy and why learning about cultures that are not your own is so important. We also talk about Krista’s experience as a cancer patient, which she blogs about beautifully on Instagram. 

Follow Krista: @squashingmysarcoma
Follow Jess (the host) @jess_bdavies
Follow Krista’s dog! @gatsbythesproodle

You can also take at look at Jess’ blog @sixhundredwordsonlife and DM her if you’d like to share your own story.

Creators & Guests

Jess Davies

What is Femme On?

The Femme on Collective is a podcast collective where we discuss issues or pop culture that interests us, with a feminist, female view. Hosts Ada, Alyson, Jess, Ria and Tonya bring their unique voices to a variety of subjects including books, film, TV, feminism, comics, fitness, activism and so much more.