Anything Is Possible Podcast

In this episode, your host, Holly Moore, sits down with Paul Brown, the visionary founder of BOL Foods. Join us as we delve into Paul's journey, uncovering how he has masterfully cultivated an exceptional organisational culture within BOL Foods, anchored in trust. 

We'll also delve into his experiences at Innocent Food and the invaluable lessons he learned along the way. Paul goes beyond the surface to share insights on smashing life, navigating tough times in business, setting goals, finding purpose, and being present. And of course, we'll learn more about the delicious BOL food products. Get ready to be inspired as we discover the endless possibilities that lie within the world of big brands.
This episode of "Decoding the big brand workplace" offers invaluable insights into building a thriving organisational culture, overcoming challenges, and embracing a mindset where anything is possible. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a business professional seeking inspiration, or simply curious about the secrets of success, this episode will leave you inspired and equipped with practical strategies to apply in your own life and endeavours.

What is Anything Is Possible Podcast?

What would you do if you believed that Anything is Possible? It’s a mantra that’s helped Holly overcome mental health, build her business, overcome personal challenges and bring her events company through the pandemic. And now it’s the theme of her brand new podcast!

Join Holly Moore, CEO and Founder of Make Events, HM Events and the host of the Anything is Possible podcast. Holly set up Make Events in 2012 from scratch with no investment, and since then has created ultimate experiences for clients' across the globe.

This podcast shares some of the stories of those she feels embody the mantra 'Anything is Possible', brands that have inspired her and those that have been on the same journey with her for over a decade!