
This episode of BiCurean we focused on what gives us hope. We've talked about cheating cheaters, consent and violations, guns and mass shootings - so this week is all about what gives us hope.

Show Notes

According to Merriam Webster, hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.

Correction: Aicila said about 20% of the population voted in the 2016 election, it was actually closer to 36% of the population, 54% of eligible voters.  “Those who face gun violence on a level that we have only just glimpsed from our gated communities have never had their voices heard in their entire lives the way that we have in these few weeks alone,” González tweeted. She continued: “The platform us Parkland Students have established is to be shared with every person, black or white, gay or straight, religious or not, who has experienced gun violence, and hand in hand, side by side, We Will Make This Change Together.”

Other things we referenced in the show:
How to Triumph No Roots
Platinum Records no more
Number of people listening to music has been on double digit increase
Quest to Change the World The Moth
Post Secret
Olympics Open With Koreas Marching Together, Offering Hope for Peace - The New York Times, Feb 9, 2018
Tonga flag bearer comes out oily and shirtless at the Olympics...again - CNN, Feb 9, 2018 

BiCurean Moment
Live a Moment
Gus Kenworthy Adopts Dog
Hope Quotes 
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What is BiCurean?

BiCurean takes typically combative topics and teaches them to play nice. Our view is the mainstream reactionary rhetoric divides us and only helps those invested in the status quo. We seek to find answers beyond the most obvious.

Join host Aicila as she digs into topics ranging from social and political to geeky and fun. Aicila is looking for the "BiCurean Moment"- the point where contradictions meet or are embraced.

BiCurean was conceived of in 2011 by Aicila as a podcast and originally created as a blog. On hiatus since 2021, she's been eager to start back up, and 2024 will be the year she does. Watch for new episodes, a new format, and just her as the host. for more info